The embroidery isn't very clear in this image (it's not the best camera phone in the world!) but I think the lace is displayed quite nicely. I'm having to add an extra panel in to my version of this cap as my lace is so much narrower than the cotton net in the original. (That, and, obviously, my version is a couple of inches bigger!)
Each insert is hemmed separately before the insertion lace is applied with whipstitch, and then when I have one long strip of completed embroidery I can hem the top and bottom all of a-piece and make the channel for the ribbon. I intend to use narrow silk ribbon for the closures under the chin, and some hand-twisted cord I just happen to have lying around - isn't it splendid to be able to say such things? - to tighten the fit at the back of the neck.

And a close up of the embroidery on the crown. The purple stain, I regret to say, is the work of a blueberry-crazed Small with smudgy mitts. Ah well. It's what toddlers and washing machines are for!
Actually, Small and the Honourable Mr Maclary make my cord. With a drill and a length of embroidery floss.
I love my boys :D
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